This article was originally published on Kari Grady-Grossman's blog on 08/16/2015
My name is Tavia Mirassou- Wolf and I am a Graduate Research Assistant at the Colorado School of Public Health studying for my Master’s of Public Health. I will be working with Colorado State University and Sustainable Schools International over the course of the next year.
The project I am humbly apart of aims to improve the health of communities, specifically in the Aoral District of the Kampong Speu Providence. My involvement during this trip includes international collaboration which encompasses a rapid village needs assessment, resource identification, and the public health mentorship of new health professionals. I would like to begin this blog by encouraging you to be apart of my journey while I lead you through my three week Cambodian travel experience. During this experience I will spend two weeks in the capital, Phnom Penh, and one week in a rural village. I would absolutely love to hear your reactions, thoughts, comments, and ideas!
"What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it." ~C.S. Lewis
Building teachers who are empowered and comitted to educating rural Camboidan communities
We are more than excited to congratulate Kong on this recent accomplishment!
Facilitating the development of a resource center that is entirely run by the community and available to all of its members...