As we look back with pride, we remember our first teacher to graduate from the Leadership Academy with a B.A in teaching. Ky Rim came to SSI in 2008 as he reluctantly left home to continue his education in the capital of Phnom Penh, nearly four bumpy hours from his rural village. Throughout Rim's educational journey he received continuous support from donors like you enabling him to became the first teacher in his community with a bachelor’s degree. Ky Rim returned home in 2016 to teach in a local elementary school. He is contributing to the cycle of success and empowering younger generations to make a change.
When Rim was at the Leadership Academy he wrote, “SSI helps reduce many expenses for my family, my parents are really poor. If I did not have support from SSI I would have been forced to stop studying in 2008 because my family could not afford to help me learn for my future. In the community, I observed many students giving up on their studies to work in cassava and sugarcane plantations and Chinese companies. I am thankful I could continue my degree. When I graduate from school with a degree in pedagogy, I will help my community. I will use what I learned to teach.” Indeed, Rim continues giving back to his community with pride. After two years of teaching, he still shows integrity as he goes to school each and every day.
Upon hearing of Rim's graduation, Kari, co-founder of SSI, writes, "I remember the day this young man's mother came to me and said "I give you my son" she literally gave him to me with nothing but the shirt on his back and a large sack of rice on his shoulder... Now, he is returned [to his community]: educated, empowered and employed!"
As we continue building teachers who will return to share their skills with rural Cambodia, we ask for your support. Our program could not exist with out your generosity. Thank you!
"What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it." ~C.S. Lewis
We are more than excited to congratulate Kong on this recent accomplishment!
Facilitating the development of a resource center that is entirely run by the community and available to all of its members...
There had to be a way, Zoe Drigot figured, to be both here and there –